Saturday, August 20, 2011

Song of the Banshee

The banshees came in the night time
Asking me to sing them a song
They wanted to hear the music of the living
A song that had eluded them all life long

So I strummed a few notes upon the strings
And hummed in time as I tapped my foot
They clapped their hands, they danced about
In crimson cloaks, painted with soot

When I began to sing the words aloud
They stopped and listened as I sang of love
They laughed as they listened with tears of mirth
Their heads rolled around and their eyes popped out

Stop they told me for such jest was too much
They didn't think too much of human love
They had stopped trying to find human pairs after death
Instead they found triplets, quadruplets and fives

Unknown to them, Cupid had given me his charm
My guitar the bow, my notes the arrows
Girls would dance their lovers along

The ghosts emerged from the air
As I played and the banshees swirled
When my song ended, each had a pair

They bowed in gratitude, then turned away
But one I had forgotten, she held me in her sway
I realized as she sang, her voice was so much sweeter
Enamored I knelt, she ran towards me
Before I knew it, I was seeped within her

I laughed as she smiled,
I touched her cold, clammy skin
Ah, but with love, you can never win
Treacherous Cupid gave me a flying kiss goodbye
In my quest for love, I had found my way to die

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